Sunday, July 15, 2012

Banana for All Age Groups

Everybody knows the popular saying, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” but banana is equally beneficial in one way or the other. A few years ago I saw the tennis player, Boris Baker eating banana after completing each set. Since I was just a school going kid, I did not know why he was eating banana every time he finishes his set. Now, I know the answer – banana provides instant energy because it contains carbohydrates, vitamins, fibers and micronutrients.

Last year I enrolled in a gym, and the trainer’s first reaction was – hey you are underweight and you need to put on weight. I sincerely asked him how to put on weight – he said, eat at least six bananas a day. It will not only help you put on weight, it will also provide enough energy to workout. The very next day, I bought six bananas and ate them all. I did not skip a day without eating bananas and soon I saw the difference in my body. I had put on weight and my muscles were quite visible as well. Well, this does not mean that banana will add flab in your body – if you eat two bananas a day, especially in your breakfast, you will feel fresh and energetic all through the day.

In addition, banana offers many health benefits. Banana is very good for people suffering from ulcer, constipation, anemia, and depression, to name but only a few. So, make a resolution to eat at least 2 bananas a day and feel the difference. 

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