Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What causes acne?

Several researches have been done on acne, but researchers have found that there are only a few causes of acne. It is one of the most common problems experienced by teenagers and adult groups. In some people, this problem remains for just few weeks, while in others it may linger for years.

Hormonal change during adolescence: It is the most vulnerable age when most teenage boys and girls face acne problem. During adolescent, secondary sexual characters bring several changes in the body such as the growth of body and pubic hair, change in the level of androgens, etc. Androgens are produced in high amounts and that result in secondary sexual characteristics. It has been found that if the androgen level goes up than normal then that causes acne. Androgen triggers hair growth and as a result sebaceous glands also produce more sebum for nourishment and to maintain moisture.

Bacterial growth: Our body harbors several bacteria – some are considered friendly while others are not. Among them, some bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis thrive in anaerobic environmental condition. If a plug like structure develops on the skin surface as a result of clogging of hair follicle by large volumes of sebum then it becomes a perfect thriving condition for the bacteria. These bacteria multiply quickly and lead to the development of pustules, which are very painful acne.

Harmful cosmetics: Almost every woman use cosmetics for beauty purpose, but they never bother to know the ingredients used in these beauty cosmetics. The damaging chemical present in several cosmetic products cause problems such as skin allergies. Non-comedogenic products are good for skin. Some harmful chemicals present in beauty products may cause acne as well. It is therefore, recommended to consult experts before buying beauty cosmetic products.

Remedy for Acne: There are several tips to get rid of acne.

· Do not touch the affected area

· Keep your skin clean by using a face wash, avoid soaps

· Use Neem (Azadiracta) powder plus rose water and apply on the affected area for about 15 minutes everyday.

· Keep yourself cheerful

These are very simple and effective tips, which if followed will help you get rid of acne problem in just few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Acne is a very common skin problem. For many people, a good nutrition guide, combines with some skin management tips can work wonder.
    Krisha | dermatology emr
