Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who should go for a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck
Tummy tuck in medical term is called abdominoplasty -- a procedure that is performed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal region. A flat abdomen is something that every woman desires to have; however, many women fail to attain that toned abdomen. There are several factors that directly or indirectly influence abdomen that protrudes or sag. Some of the most common causes include aging, pregnancy, heredity, lethargic lifestyle, etc.
Tummy tuck surgery is a highly customized procedure, and women do it for themselves and not to fulfill others desires.
Who is the best candidate for a tummy tuck?
One can go for abdominoplasty if she is physically fit, has realistic expectations, and who do not smoke. Though the results of a tummy tuck surgery is technically permanent in nature, but it can alter by significant fluctuations in weight. For this very reason, women who are planning for substantial weight loss or considering future pregnancies are advised to postpone this surgery.
Many women think that tummy tucks are a substitute for weight loss, which is absolutely a wrong concept. Besides, tummy tuck operations cannot remove stretch marks; however, these marks may be removed if they are located on the regions of excess skin that will be excised.
What happens during a tummy tuck surgery procedure?
There are several steps of a tummy tuck surgery, which are mentioned below:
procedure1: Use of Anesthesia
Intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is used before the surgery.
Procedure2: Incision
Incision is done horizontally between the pubic hairlines and naval. However, the shape and length of incision depend on the degree of correction needed. Through this incision, weakened abdominal muscles are repaired and excess fats are removed.
Procedure3: Closing the incision
Skin incisions may be closed by sutures, tapes, skin adhesives, or clips.
Procedure4: Result
After tummy tuck surgery, women can expect a flatter and firmer abdominal contour.
Tummy Tuck Recovery:
After the surgical procedure, dressings or bandages may be applied to incisions. The health care professionals will give specific instructions to recover from tummy tuck surgery.
Cost of a Tummy Tuck
There is no fixed cost of a tummy tuck surgery as various factors determine the cost such as surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, medications, surgical care costs, and medical tests, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Abdominoplasty takes approximately two hours under general anesthesia and usually requires a stay of one to two night in hospital.

    Tummy tuck
